The popular transports in Mui ne is moto bike. You can hire or buy them in here (incase you buy one then you can sell it before you leave Mui Ne).
There are many places for rental moto bike in Mui Ne. You can use this type for moving around the town.
One of ways to easy carry your surfboard to any spot for surfing in Mui ne is using the surfboard rack. I Know a man who make the rack like this in town and in real he is made a lot of surfboard racks for many people around come to Mui ne for surf and kite.
You can easy to attach the surfboards in to your rack on your moto bike and go smoothly in street with no problem. This type of rack also work well for the kiteboards too )).
To Phan is Surf and Kite Instructor, Surfboard shaper. Owner this Blog and Founder UWBoards Brand