The wind window is the basic theory you must to know in kiteboarding. Knowing this will help you to fly the kite with the right power for you.
The wind window will help you know the positions where the kite created less power or High power. It mean the kite will pull you or stop you in each difference positions.
Ok, let’s go straight of point the Wind Window
The first we need to determine the wind direction. now facing the dowwind (it mean wind from your back). at there the space begin from your left side of you over your head to your right and every things down front of you that is the wind window.
It mean the wind windown like the 1/4 of sphere and it has the numbers like the clock. now you just imaging over your head is 12 o’clock.1,2,3 o’clock on the right side of you. 9,10,11 o’clock on the left side of you.
Now, you need to know the further you fly the kite deeper near the ground the more power of the kite and the less power of the kite when you fly the kite opposite (higher).
at the 12 o’clock the kite doesn’t pull you forward. It just stop you or pull you alittle up.
at the 3 and 9 o’clock this is points where you launching and landing of the kite.
Now, there is another point of wind window that’s sphere point. I will show you in real later when you join our kite lessons.
To Phan is Surf and Kite Instructor, Surfboard shaper. Owner this Blog and Founder UWBoards Brand