In kiteboarding, there are common two directions that go inside the water and go out the water (back to land). however in the beginner you can not come back land the right place where you starting. When you can do this then we call riding UP Wind in kiteboarding that’s it :))
Why you should back to the same place?
Because if you can not do this then you must hold the kite and board and walk back to and if you can come back the right place then you show the world that you actually kite boarding
When you can gain this level?
before you can try to go up wind you should go consistently for both directions. go in and go out. then you can practice how to riding upwind
How can ride upwind?
This techniques is easy but also need you take the time to practicing.
The key that is more pressure on your both heels and lean back much more, your eyes look where you want to going. The board can not flat on the water much more.
You need to control the kite for more power, with the further stronger power the easier to upwind, that why you must hold the kite at 10 or 2 o’clock
Some time you gain sinking during go up wind in this case just point your board downwind for several meter when you feeling good speedy then back to the posture of upwind.
To Phan is Surf and Kite Instructor, Surfboard shaper. Owner this Blog and Founder UWBoards Brand